Gastro & Digestive Solutions for a Happier You. 😇




Caricol® Digest

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100% organic fruit of the papaya, organic apple juice concentrate, natural flavors.

Why Caricol®?

Indigestion may have several causes. A significant influence here is the lifestyle. Today’s life is characterized by dynamism and flexibility, which also leads to increased stress. And stress subsequently leads to hectic eating behavior. As a result, the food is insufficiently chewed, making digestion more difficult. In addition to this, stress hormones are released which slow down bowel activity.

Frequent consumption of certain foods also promotes digestive problems.* For example, very rich, fatty, salty and spicy foods make digestion more difficult.*

Another factor that should not be underestimated is sufficient exercise. Exercise boosts the activity of the intestines. In contrast, insufficient exercise can lead to constipation.*

Not least of all, nicotine and alcohol have a negative effect on the muscle function of the intestine, and also the increasing age of humans plays a role, as digestion is increasingly slowed down.*

The effective & patented papaya preparation

Papaya has valuable ingredients that promote digestion, such as papain. They help the gastrointestinal tract to digest proteins faster and more thoroughly. This helps to dissolve food residues, stimulates the intestinal passage and thus prevents inflammation.

Nowadays, many doctors and nutritionists consider the intestine as the “center of health”. An intact intestine leads to a well-being of the entire body and thus also to mental health. Caricol® is a 100% natural product from papaya. It is produced in accordance with traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic dietetics. The patented manufacturing process practically multiplies the digestive properties of papaya. This makes them an effective aid for the entire gastrointestinal tract.

Digestion is soothed, regulated and promoted – and all through the power of nature!

Caricol®: Ensures „movement“ in the intestine

Effectively and sustainably helps with daily digestive problems, such as slow digestion, constipation and flatulence.*

The digestive power of papaya

Papain from papaya is a very rare enzyme. It is extremely rich in content because it consists of more than 200 different amino acids.* In general, enzymes accelerate chemical reactions in the body. Consuming too much meat in our diet causes the intestinal villi to stick together. Papain converts proteins into important substances that the body can utilize. In the metabolism of living organisms, enzymes have the most important function and are therefore essential.

In addition, the papaya has an alkaline effect on the stomach. But it is also an excellent source of nutrients and vital substances.* It has all the important amino acids, essential fatty acids, pectin, vitamins A, C, E and B vitamins.* It also contains beta-carotene, magnesium, potassium and bioflavonoids (secondary plant compounds) against the oxidative stress of “free radicals” (aggressive oxygen compounds).*

By the way....did you know?

The papayas in Caricol® are grown and harvested in Sri Lanka according to the “Fair Trade” principle. This happens only when they are really ripe. Because in this way not only the taste intensifies, but also the active ingredients contained therein – and that is crucial for the special manufacturing process!

The positive effects of papaya from traditional lore have been confirmed by scientific studies.

Unlike drugs, Caricol® Gastro is free of side effects.*

Science confirms the medical effectiveness of the patented Caricol® Gastro formulation

Studies have shown that by taking Caricol® Gastro, the various types of stomach pain could be relieved.*

→ sudden stomach pain*
→ pain in the upper abdomen*
→ pain during and after meals*

In additional studies on reflux symptoms, it was found that Caricol® Gastro had improved the symptoms of reflux disease in most of the tested persons.*

→ heartburn*
→ acid regurgitation*
→ burning in the throat*
→ difficulty in swallowing*
→ pain behind the breastbone *
→ pain when lying down in the night*
→ feeling of fullness*

*These statements have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The patented manufacturing process of Caricol® releases and multiplies the digestive properties from papaya.

→ This activates and effectively regulates digestion.*
→ The ingredients obtained by the preparation process improve fermentation (transformation) and further transport of food in the intestine.*
→ Caricol® provides the body with nutrients and energy.*
→ Caricol® excretes harmful components.*
→ Caricol® builds a resistant immune system.*
→ The manufacturing process is based on “energization” as in traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic dietetics. Caricol® sustainably activates the energy pathways in the body that are responsible for digestion.*
→ Scientific studies prove: Caricol® has a four times higher enzyme activity than papaya fruit WITHOUT the special process.*

It is recommended to take Caricol® daily for several weeks, preferably undiluted. There are no habituation effects.

Caricol® can be consumed by children as well as by all people with weakened or irritated digestion.

This natural product is not addictive and is perfectly suitable for permanent intake.

Packed in hygienic single portions; without additional intake of liquids.

Customer Reviews

Based on 19 reviews
Barbara Roy

This is a great product. I did experience cramping when taking this..has anyone else

Ingrid Dow
Good but too expensive

Papaya is used in Latin America for constipation and to assist in digestion due to the enzymes in papaya. This product is convenient and helps with both of these issues but you need 1 pack per meal and that is much too expensive for long term use sadly. I will have to go back to buying papaya and freezing it in small pieces to have some at each meal, it's more work but affordable.

Customer Service Request

I have been trying to contact someone from the company to establish a wholesale account and no one has responded to my multiple emails. I’ve tried looking for a phone number but there is none.
Please respond as we would like to order Caricol. Thank you. [****]

Alfonso Cuellar
never got my order

im so disappoint that I order this product and I reach out to you guys and few days and never got a reply back and to this date 11-27-2023 I have not hear from you guy about my order..

Dear Mr. Alfonso Cuellar
We couldn't find any message from you on our support address.
Please contact us again under:
We look forward to helping you.
Team Caricol.


It doesn’t upset my stomach and I have an ultra sensitive stomach. It seems to soothe my stomach like advertise. So far so good.