Papaya regulates digestion, is said to be effective against wrinkles, reduces cholesterol levels and soothes inflammation*. If you eat papayas, losing weight is easier, especially the enzyme papain is said to be responsible for this.* As a figure-conscious person, you know this for sure since the success of the “Hollywood Star Diet”. Here, enzyme-rich, tropical fruits are mainly on the menu.
The papain contained in papayas is a rare and very rich enzyme composed of more than 200 amino acids.* It helps to transform protein into important components for the body.* Thus, enzymes have a biological importance that should not be underestimated, they play (according to Wikipedia) the central role in the metabolism of all living organisms.
But the papaya also has a high content of vitamins A, C, E and beta-carotene, as well as a number of B vitamins.* In addition, it is a good source of magnesium and also contains potassium, among other things.*
Nowadays, papayas can be found in almost every supermarket – albeit of varying quality. We prefer them ripe, perhaps with a squeeze of lime juice. In Asia, it is also eaten unripe – as a salad or in chutneys and curries. There it is still green and has the highest papain content, especially in the seeds and peel.
*These statements have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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16 Railroad Avenue
96720 Hilo, Hawaii